Maximizing Hard Elements to Beautify the Landscape

Beautify the appearance by adding hard elements in the garden is an option. In the midst of increasing air temperature, having a garden in the yard of the house is one of the things that many people want. In addition to making the house look more beautiful, the existence of this garden can also provide a cool atmosphere in your home. The arrangement must be done by paying attention to the types of garden-forming elements that compose it, namely hard elements and soft elements. Currently, the existence of a garden has become an almost always part of a minimalist home design. The hard element as one of the components of the garden is a hard material that is made as a complement to the garden. The following are some hard elements that you can choose to beautify and maximize your garden:


The first hard element in the garden is the rocks. Various kinds of stones are very commonly used as a complement to the appearance of the garden. This stone can be a small natural stone arranged on a garden wall or arranged into a path for access to movement. There are various types of stones that you can use and adjust to the appearance of the garden you want. The arrangement of these stones can also be done in many ways, such as arranged in a combination to form a certain arrangement.


Wood is also one that is often used as a complement to a minimalist garden. The presence of wood in the garden gives a more harmonious impression. This wood can be in the form of stairs, swings, benches or other garden ornaments.

Fountain Pool

The presence of the water element in the garden can give the impression of being cooler and fresher. This water can be in the form of a pond or a fountain. The shape of the fountain and pool can also be adjusted to the overall design of the house to make it more harmonious. You can make a fountain with a rigid shape such as a square or rectangle for a minimalist garden design.


A gazebo is a building shaped like a hut with a covered roof. You can make this gazebo yourself using various elements such as wood, bamboo or cement. The gazebo has a fairly important function in the garden, namely for shelter and relaxing with family members. The existence of this gazebo is suitable to be made in a garden with a fairly large size.

Garden Chair

Garden chairs are a hard element in the garden that really needs to be worked on. This chair in addition to functioning as a place to sit and relax can also serve to increase the aesthetic value of the garden. The selection of chairs includes the design and the constituent materials that need to be adjusted to the overall design of the garden and the design of the house so that all components are integrated.

Garden Lights

The lamp serves to beautify the garden as well as a garden light at night. Garden lights are very diverse types and shapes. You can adjust the type of lamp including the color of the light or the level of brightness of the light produced. In addition, also adjust the material and design of the lights to the wishes and harmony with other garden elements. Different lighting factors can produce a different impression of a garden appearance.